Monday, November 22, 2010

oh oh oh 20 in three days.

My birthdays have always been significant in terms of the evolution of my spirit, of my mind, of my ideas.
There was my eighteenth - when I thought life would be made clear to me, when I thought that I'd have everything figured out - because after all I was becoming an 'adult'- and instead I spent the day finding out that my 'best friend' was a traitor and that I was truly not an adult but a little kid all alone, having the worst day of my life.
For one year after that, life was miserable. Everyday that I spent at college, I hated everything about myself, about where I was, where I had come. Then, on my nineteenth birthday, after a small dinner with a few friends, my best friend staged an intervention and in that moment I realized that watching 'The Darjeeling Limited' an excessive number of times had paid off - it hit me like a ton of bricks- one whole year I had been in the depths of depression and then the night of my nineteenth birthday the words of Owen Wilsons mother came to me--- 'stop feeling bad for yourself, its not attractive.' And I haven't felt bad for myself since. I've been a trooper if I say so myself. I've learned to love solitude. I've become fiercely independent and self - reliant, so that if you asked to change anything, I'd say, 'No. Leave it the way it was. It taught me everything.'
And this friday I wonder what life will bring. I know its my birthday and I'm supposed to celebrate but all I want is to eat an exquisite dinner by myself with an exquisite book, go shopping, and watch a movie in theaters. Is that too much to ask? Is it too little?

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