Saturday, October 30, 2010

1. had two hours of karate last night. my body is hating and thanking me for it.
2. i've opened my notes again, pathology and pathophysiology and microbiology. 
3. i am reading more and more about John Kennedy's assassination. it intrigues me and i want to know as much as possible about every key event, every key player. somehow it is so important that i figure this out.
4. i'm reading everything. reading my notes. reading a novel. reading tolstoy's family happiness. reading about world war I and communism, current events and the cia experiments. reading of poverty and starvation. and mapping out ways to help.
5. i am alive and joyful. yesterday a friend asked, "do you ever get depressed?" and after thinking for a minute, i said, "not always, not anymore, not like it used to be. but i did, but ive changed. but i still do every once in a while. and sometimes i don't even know why"
but i have found, in all, it is the sheer vulnerability that makes us real, live, human beings.

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