Saturday, March 20, 2010

embargo lifted

today's been a good day. i studied at the library for five hours! (an unprecedented length of time)
the weather was absolutely beautiful. sunny, warm, but just warm-enough-sandal-wearing weather. 
and i snagged a great deal. 15 dollars for a zenit-e camera with a lens. 
now i don't know too much about cameras, and even if it ends up not working i figured, 'hey it looks artsy and cool, why not?" 
plus inscribed on the bottom is "made in the ussr" 
that itself made it worth it,

its a model that i think was released around the time of the soviet games because it has an olympic logo on it. well i have yet to figure out how to work it. i read a manual online and i couldnt figure it out for the life of me.

but i had just spent the previous five hours figuring out tracts and nuclei and what not for neuro, so my brain was functioning a bit slow. ill give it another shot tomorrow...

well, i'm off for a run by the river. enjoy the weekend :)

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