Thursday, July 14, 2011

i feel, oddly enough, happy. as though this is happiness i do not deserve. as though it will be snatched from my hands. but im happy, and it is all that matters for now.

and an update:

For the past two weeks I've been working in the inner city with African American kids. The surroundings are miserable, broken down, and often, heartbreaking, but the kids show such resilience; I have yet to hear one of them complain. I love each and every one of them and I want everything for them.
I am smitten with wanderlust, I am impatient, and consequently I loathe commitment. But the places I've been and the organizations I've worked with have always left a mark and I dream of the day I'll return. So it is with this program. I could never stay committed to working here for more than a year and yet I know years from now, the indelible imprint that it will have left, will leave me yearning for a chance to return.

I've been reading lately. I am now reading Anna Karenina.

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